The Peace Chronicle, a magazine hosted by the Peace and Justice Studies Association, is hosting this competition as a way to promote more envisionigs of a better world.
Super excited to announce that as the guest editor of the Peace Chronicle in Spring 2023 I will be hosting an international youth art and writing competition!
The Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA), a non-profit that is dedicated to sharing visions and strategies for peace-building, social justice and social change, has a Peace Chronicle that is hosting a International Youth Art and Writing Competition. All youth up till age 18 is invited to submit art, poetry, short stories and essays !
The theme is Re-Enchantment, and details can be found here, please download the information sheet. Submissions are open until March 3rd 2023!
The world is full of crises; from pollution and climate change, to violence and wars, to mental health issues spreading, it is often easy to lose hope. The idea of Re-Enchantment asks us to fall in love with the world again. How can we connect with the environment and other animals, each other and ourselves with more magic and hope? How can we imagine a world, or change our perspective on our own lives so that it is more fun and loving? How can we become better neighbors and friends to one another? How can we change the world to a more peaceful, beautiful place for all? We would love to hear your ideas!
With this theme I hope that people around the world can come together to imagine ways to improve the world, dream of what a beautiful future is and think about how to uplift their community wherever they are.
The winners and educators will be recognized in the Spring issue of the Peace Chronicle hosted by the Peace and Justice Studies Association amongst scholars, artists and activists in May 2023.
Hope to see some of your submissions thereĀ !